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The presence of glutathione in every cell shows how important it is to the human body. There are supplements that contain glutathione but they are not able to find themselves into the cells because of the digestive chemicals in the stomach. Even glutathione injected directly into the bloodstream are not able to enter into the cells.

This had been a problem for many years but Dr. Robert Keller and Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa have developed and patented a unique way to increase the glutathione levels within cells.

Instead of trying to provide glutathione directly, it provides the cells with the components needed to produce glutathione naturally where the cells do the rest. Max International offers multiple products that are scientifically designed to increase glutathione levels up to 300%. Dr. Keller and Dr. Nagasawa patented their technology and chose Max International as the company to distribute their discovery.

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How Can Glutathione Levels Be Increased?

The presence of glutathione in every cell shows how important it is to the human body. There are supplements that contain glutathione but they are not able to find themselves into the cells because of the digestive chemicals in the stomach. Even glutathione injected directly into the bloodstream are not able to enter into the cells.

This had been a problem for many years but Dr. Robert Keller and Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa have developed and patented a unique way to increase the glutathione levels within cells.

Instead of trying to provide glutathione directly, it provides the cells with the components needed to produce glutathione naturally where the cells do the rest. Max International offers multiple products that are scientifically designed to increase glutathione levels up to 300%. Dr. Keller and Dr. Nagasawa patented their technology and chose Max International as the company to distribute their discovery.

What Is Glutathione?

Glutathione is a tripeptide that is naturally produced within cells. It is formed from three essential amino acids that serve as common building blocks in biochemical syntheses. Glutathione protects cells from oxidative stress by cleansing our cells of toxins and is an essential part of a healthy immune system.

If we were to increase our glutathione levels by 300%, it stands to reason that our cells would benefit.

Things That Everyone Should Know About Glutathione

In 1747, James Lind had saved many lives by finding a cure for scurvy through Vitamin C. It had been found that Vitamin C boosts immunity but it was not until 1954 that scientists began to fully realize why it had so many beneficial effects. In that year, Dr. Denham Harman proposed the free radical theory of aging, where he argued that free radicals were responsible for the aging process. This idea was widely criticized at the time, but Harmon successfully theorized that antioxidants, which are nutrients that can neutralize free radicals, were able slow down the aging process and even repair the damage already caused by free radicals. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which has powerful effects on the human body. Glutathione, which is present in every cell of the human body, is an even more powerful antioxidant.

Why Is Glutathione Necessary?

Glutathione also contributes to the proper functioning of other antioxidants and nutrients. It plays an important role in the immune system where deficiency of glutathione may result in illness.

Mitochondria, which are the power plants of cells, become more prone to the harmful effects of free radicals when glutathione levels are low. Glutathione also acts as a detoxifying agent, which is effective against the chemical toxins we are exposed to in our everyday lives. Glutathione increases cellular health by cleansing toxins from our systems.

If you were to increase your glutathione levels by 300%, your cells would be healthier, and you would feel better. As we enter adulthood, glutathione levels begin to drop to an average of 10% every 10 years. By the time your 50, glutathione levels would have dropped down to 30% or more. The majority of people do not have enough glutathione in their cells to ward off illness, cleanse toxins, or facilitate an energetic lifestyle.

Network Marketing

Network Marketing can work for you

The majority of us are not born wealthy. We either work to earn wealth, or put our money to work to earn more wealth. Working for someone else can be limited as part of our labour goes to the company owner. We are able to work harder when we work for ourselves because we receive 100% of our earnings.

We can earn real, ethical wealth by either working for ourselves or by working with others where everyone has the same potential to reap the benefits of work.

Network Marketing works

Network marketing (often called Multi-Level Marketing or MLM) is a smart and ethical way to obtain wealth. MLM is used throughout successful companies and is taught in major universities.

Network Marketing is a great opportunity

Wealth is created through the work of people or money. In order to be successful with your business, you will invest your money to work for you and not have to work yourself. Most people work by performing physical labour for someone else, working as a professional, or by owning a business. Physical labour requires a lot of effort, especially when you’re working for someone else.

The ideal way to earn your wealth is leveraging both your work and money. This is a powerful tool because it makes use of other people’s work without depriving them of it and encourages everyone to share the same opportunity for gain.

Classic Organization Structures Don’t Work

In a classical business structure, a car lot owner hires a salesman. The salesman makes their money through commission and the owner earns the percentage of the lot’s overhead plus profit on sales. With a group of talented salesman, the owner makes more profit and is able to leverage off the salesman.

But if the salesman wants to make more profit, they must branch off to other sources of income or by working for a lot that pays better. This is bad for the car owner, as the owner has invested time and resources in the salesman, and has also created a competitor.

Classic Organization Structures Don’t Work

In a network marketing scenario, the car lot owner would encourage the salesman to hire their own staff and leverage off it. These additional sales earn wealth for the owner and the salesman, providing a win-win situation. Many people mistake this as a pyramid structure, where the individuals at the bottom do all the work and the people on top reap the benefits.

Every business in the world is essentially a pyramid where the CEO heads the business at the top and leverages off the middle managers and the employees near the bottom. But in network marketing, everyone has the same leveraging opportunity as the CEO, providing an equal opportunity.

In network marketing, everyone has the same leveraging opportunity as the CEO of the largest organization in the world.

Why Network Marketing is the most ethical money-making structure

Network marketing allows each individual with the same tools and opportunity, where the most productive people earn the greatest degree of wealth. People at the bottom of the pyramid are able to earn more than the people at the top if they are more productive. Income is based on productivity. Successful corporations like Citibank, AOL, Sun Microsystems, and Xerox distribute their products through network marketing structures.

Time is Money

Some people earn $30,000 per year and others millions. Each year has the same number of days, months and hours, so what is the difference? The people who earn millions understand the connection between time and productivity. They are able to use their time wisely to direct other people to do the work. Through Network marketing, you essentially create multiple copies of yourself and multiply your earnings by the amount of people you train. Training other people to do your own work can be a powerful investment.

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